Your forms can optionally be set to be secured behind a layer of login protection. This is perfect for scenarios where you need a secure form that shouldn't permit anonymous submissions.
After enabling Login-Protection on a form, anyone attempting to get to that form will now be presented with a login screen, and needs to first login with either their social login, or a new account they create on the spot.
You have two levels of "Login Protection" permitted on your forms:
1. User Login Required (Any logged in users)
This level of login protection is useful when you want to verify the identity of those who are submitting your form, but don't want to restrict who specifically can submit the form.
2. User Login Required (Specific logged in users)
This level of login protection is useful when you want only specific people to have view/submit access to your form. After ticking this option and saving your changes, to specify 'who' those specific people are with view/submit access to your form please go to the 'Users' tab and grant your specific users 'Submit Form When Login Protected' access rights.
Steps to Enable
To enable login protection, when editing your form click on the "Security" feature on the right of the screen:
After you have clicked this, you will see a popup which includes the options for enabling login protection:
When login protection is enabled on a form, because we know with certainty who the form submitter was, you will no longer see the word "Anonymous" next to the submission records for that form, and instead will now see the form submitters real e-mail address listed.