If you would like to "chain" forms together so that one form passes along some values to another form, please read on:
1. Set "Thank you page" to be the URL of your second form:
You can pass values from the form to the thank you page URL by following the steps below. In our case the thank you page "URL" would simply be the URL to our second form:
How can I pass custom parameters to the thank you page URL?
2. When specifying your thank you page query parameters use naming convention "init_[FIELDNAME]"
When specifying the query parameters "name", you can either define your own custom parameter name, or alternatively to make things automated so that the destination forms fields get "auto-prefilled" with the values from your first form, please use this naming convention for your query parameter names "init_[FIELDNAME]" as described below:
How can I dynamically pre-populate the values of fields when the form loads?